Tjawa Tjawa
“Tjawa Tjawa” is a Ngarti traditional story told in Kukatja language (with English subtitles) about a group of women who travelled from Roebourne in the northwest of Western Australia to the Great Sandy Desert south of Balgo in search of husbands.

The film describes events on their journey from Wirlkinkarra (Lake Mackay)  north through Tjawa Tjawa, Walkarli, Makura and Manga Manga, from where they returned underground to their home country.

Tjawa Tjawa is directed by elder Mark Moora.  Mark wanted to record the Tjawa Tjawa Songline with Pilbara and Kimberley Aboriginal Media in order to reconnect his people to their country. “I’m making this film because I believe it’s very important for people. This is the main country for people and for new generations in time to come in the future. Reason that I’m doing this film is because I, my sister and some of my family that’s come along on this trip want to go back and settle in Yagga to live in our own Country.”

Tjawa Tjawa was one of ten projects funded by Screen Australia with a presale to NITV under their “Songlines on Screen” initiative.

Tjawa Tjawa has been selected and screened at several Film Festivals including the Sydney Film Festival and the ImagiNATIVE Film Festival held in Toronto and the Margaret Mead Festival in New York.